‘I Knew You’d Have a Lousy Question’: Biden Scolds Fox’s Peter Doocy For Asking About Son’s Business Dealings

‘I Knew You’d Have a Lousy Question’: Biden Scolds Fox’s Peter Doocy For Asking About Son’s Business Dealings

President Joe Biden shrugged off a query from Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy on Wednesday, telling him he asked “a lousy question.”

Doocy reported from New Mexico where Biden gave a speech earlier about green energy initiatives. Afterward, Doocy asked the president about the testimony given to Congress by Devon Archer, a former business partner of his son, Hunter Biden.

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Archer testified last week that the younger Biden sometimes put his father – then the vice president – on speakerphone during business meetings. Republicans allege that the president was steeped in his son’s business in a manner that amounted to corruption.

“We got a first of its kind of reaction to that testimony,” Doocy said on Wednesday’s Your World. “Nobody has asked President Biden yet about these allegations from a former Hunter Biden business associate, that Hunter would call his dad – then the vice president – and put him on speakerphone to chat with his business associates. So, at the conclusion of this event, I had a chance at the president’s invitation – he waved us on over – to ask him.”

Fox cut to video of Doocy asking the president about the testimony:

DOOCY: There’s this testimony now where one of your son’s former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a lot with them talking business. Is that what–

BIDEN: I never talked business anybody, and I knew you’d have a lousy question.

DOOCY: Well, what, why is that a lousy question?

BIDEN: Because it’s not true.

DOOCY: Thank you, Mr. President.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Archer stated he never heard Joe Biden discuss business, but he added a caveat.

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“There was not business content in these conversations,” Archer told Carlson. “The idea of signals and influence — the prize is enough in speaking or hearing or knowing you have that proximity to power.”

Biden and Doocy have had a contentious relationship at times. Last year, the president was caught on a hot mic calling the reporter “a stupid son of a bitch” after Doocy asked a question about inflation.

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Watch above via Fox News.


Source: https://www.mediaite.com/biden/i-knew-youd-have-a-lousy-question-biden-rebukes-foxs-peter-doocy-for-asking-about-sons-business-dealings/

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