Jake Tapper Says CNN Won’t Cover ‘Potentially Dangerous’ Trump Speech — One Month After Network Held Town Hall for Him

Jake Tapper Says CNN Won’t Cover ‘Potentially Dangerous’ Trump Speech — One Month After Network Held Town Hall for Him




CNN host Jake Tapper claimed on Tuesday that the network would not cover former President Donald Trump’s speech live because his words could be “potentially dangerous,” just one month after CNN held a live town hall with Trump.

As Trump delivered a speech in Bedminster following his arraignment on Tuesday, Tapper told his guest Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), “As I told you and the audience, we’re not carrying his remarks live because frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous.”

Tapper added, “But we do have some, a small portion, so you can get a sense of his state of mind and how he might be framing his defense.”

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Before playing the clip, Tapper issued yet another warning, saying, “Of course, I just want to note he begins this clip we’re about to show you by making unfounded claims about the charges against him. Untrue and unfounded claims about the charges against him, and the people he thinks are behind it. So I just want to preface it by saying that.”

Tapper then played the clip, during which Trump claimed he had “every right to have these documents” and said:

A corrupt sitting president had his top political opponent arrested on fake and fabricated charges, of which he and numerous other presidents would be guilty, right in the middle of a presidential election in which he is losing very badly. This is called election interference and yet another attempt to rig and steal a presidential election.

More importantly, it’s a political persecution like something straight out of a fascist or communist nation. This day will go down in infamy and Joe Biden will forever be remembered as not only the most corrupt president in the history of our country, but perhaps even more importantly the president who together with a band of his closest thugs, misfits, and Marxists tried to destroy American democracy.

Following the clip, Tapper said, “Ok, a lot to unpack there,” before attempting to fact-check everything Trump said:

The Presidential Records Act, that’s the defense he’s going to bring. That’s fine. There is no evidence that he legally kept these documents. They’re not his documents, they belong to the American people. There’s no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with this, charges brought by the special counsel. The charges are not fake. The charges are not fabricated. He’s not losing an election, the election hasn’t started and he hasn’t even gotten the presidential nomination. There’s no evidence that this is election interference. We do not live in a fascist state and in terms of destroying American democracy, we all know who actually tried to undo an election and it’s not Joe Biden, it’s Mr Trump.

Tapper’s remarks came just one month after CNN held a controversial live town hall with Trump, which, despite heavy backlash from liberals, was a ratings success for the network.

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Earlier on Tuesday, Trump lashed out at Tapper on Truth Social after Tapper cut away from footage of Trump being celebrated by his supporters at a Cuban restaurant in Miami.

“The folks in the control room, I don’t need to see any more of that,” said Tapper after CNN played the footage. “He’s trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. That’s enough of that. We’ve seen it already.”

Trump responded: “Fake Tapper just demanded that his broadcast be closed down from Miami because there was far too much enthusiasm on the streets for ‘Trump.’ The good news is, he was the only one to do so, perhaps a good explanation as to why CNN’s ratings are so low!”

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Watch above via CNN.

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Source: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/jake-tapper-says-cnn-wont-cover-potentially-dangerous-trump-speech-one-month-after-network-held-town-hall-for-him/

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