Last week, when President Biden announced his trip to Maui, The Post asked: How much do you want to bet he will act inappropriately to family members and try to make it all about himself?
If there was anyone dumb enough to take that bet, it’s time to pay up.
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Even by Joe’s low standards, this trip was a debacle. Our tone-deaf commander-in-chief takes off from the Lake Tahoe home of a Democratic donor, does a fly-by of the island, then turns around to go back on vacation. Mission accomplished!

While on the ground, Biden points at some burned-out buildings, stiffly shakes hands with some first responders, and puts on a facial expression that’s meant to convey “serious” when it more resembles rigor mortis.
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The Biden team set up a presidential lectern in the middle of the rubble, which is bad enough, but they also brought along a tiny little table to set his water on. Gotta make sure Joe Antoinette Biden doesn’t get thirsty. Guess we should be grateful they didn’t bring a teleprompter, which is why he stared at his speech the entire time.
Then Biden decided the best way to show Hawaii that he cares is to lie. Again. He recounted the harrowing moment firefighters had to “run into the flames” of his home to save his wife, Jill.

This. Never. Happened. For years, Biden has turned a minor kitchen blaze into the Great Chicago Fire, even after the Delaware department he praises says it was “insignificant.”
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The press tries to gaslight us by saying that Biden recounting this fire, or insisting his son Beau died in Iraq when he really died of cancer, resonates with victims. “Biden … has long been seen as uniquely adept at leading with empathy amid tragedies like this one,” the Washington Post claimed this week.